Saturday, September 10, 2011

Michael Talley, Financial Advisor, Now Offers Totally Free Online Financial Plan

Destin, FL 3, 2008 Florida-based financial advisor , Michael Talley, is offering a free, comprehensive financial plan on his full service Web site at . Designed to give users a comprehensive personal finance and investing strategy for all stages of life. Best of all, the financial plan is completely free and carries no obligation. It does carry the expertise of a professional financial advisor. Now there is even less reason to procrastinate and put off planning.

"Since we launched it barely three months ago, many from our local area have used our Web site to put together a financial plan," Talley said. "We are the only financial advisor firm I know of offering free, online financial plans."

Simply enter the following required personal finance and investing information into the secure online form:

  • Savings, stock, and mutual fund balances.
  • Life, disability & long-term care insurance coverage.
  • Retirement plan (457, 401K, IRA) balances and additions.
  • Pension Plan Benefits.
  • Income sources and current living expenses.
  • Income Tax information.
  • Value of your home, vehicles, rental real estate and/or others assets.

    Data entry takes about 20 min. The information is relayed via the highest encryption available and in about 1 min, the information is off to Michael Talley to create a full, comprehensive financial plan.

    The free financial plan joins an impressive range of personal finance and investing tools available at financial advisor Talley&39;s Web site. A comprehensive learning centre contains articles to help people develop their financial IQ, calculators are ready for every event and can guide people through a range of personal finance and investing options and a monthly newsletter contains articles on topics of timely interest. In the market watch section, the site gives users powerful tracking tools whether following a single stock or analyzing an entire trading portfolio.

    But the core of Michael Talley&39;s vocation as a financial advisor is helping people meet their goals for life. Offering free financial plans is a prime way Talley makes people aware of their financial situation. Once they have a plan, people can move forward with confidence, searching for the personal finance and investment devices that will help them achieve their goals.

    Log on to Michael Talley&39;s Web site today at . Take 20 min to fill out the form and unleash the power of a financial plan developed by a real financial advisor. Uncover gaps in a retirement plan or get started investigating personal finance and investing options today.

    Michael Talley

    Securities offered through Cambridge Investment Research Inc., a Broker/Dealer, Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment Advisory Services offered through Cambridge Investment Research Advisors Inc., a Registered Investment Advisor. Cambridge and Talley Financial Group are not affiliated.

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